Inspired by a February picnic, sitting shivering on the cliffs and watching this amazing little jewel of a bird. The rivers were freezing over, so it came and gave us a wonderful display whilst gathering food in the coastal rock pools. The thrilling fabulous electric colours made me rush home and create this scarf to say Thank you. The Kingfisher has become my best seller so I have created a page dedicated to its variations and uses.
I use the finest silk for these scarves, they are so soft and sensuous they are like a kiss of colour to brighten your day. I offer three different sizes to match your differing wardrobe requirements.
I create two different colour types. The Kingfisher blue celebrates the fabulous blues and turquoises of the bird. The word most used by customers is Wow!, it is iridescent, vibrant and fabulous silk. This scarf is sensational on blondes and blue eyes or grey hair.
The scarf is fabulous and really has to be seen to be appreciated, the photos don’t really do the colours and feel of the silk justice. I have mentioned customers say WOW to the silk, they also say that to the price. This range is incredibly affordable and I am constantly being told I should put the prices up. I have made the decision that I want this scarf to be accessible to all and that means making a partnership with you about the price. Buy it, love it and let it comfort you, I know it will. Jane